Fairmat aims to create a sustainable future for carbon fiber composites. Thanks to their proprietary technology, Fairmat produces a recycled material with a negative carbon footprint.
Their high-tech material is lightweight and strong. Designed for use in industries such as design, mobility, electronics, construction, transportation and logistics, the goal is clear: to boost the virtuous recycling of carbon fiber.
This round of financing was carried out with the Singular fund and business angels specialized in the world of Tech and Industry.
This first round of financing will allow Fairmat to develop its technology, whose production of materials is planned for 2022.
"My professional project is oriented around the limitation of waste because I am personally sensitive to it. [...] 1 kilo of recycled material means 41 kilos of CO2 cancelled. The sector can save the Earth one year of pollution if it achieves a negative carbon balance. - Benjamin Saada, founder and CEO of Fairmat
Congratulations to the team and good luck!